The zone around the eyes – the skin is very thin and delicate, so it is not surprising that it is in that place that most of all wears out and becomes flabby. 
5 ways to care for the skin around the eyes.
The skin around the eyes is almost devoid of sebaceous glands, so you need to carefully and properly look after it.
Properly clean the skin around the eyes. In the morning and in the evening, cosmetologists insist on cleansing the face. But especially you need to pay attention to the zone around the eyes. Use for this purpose milk, lotions and tonics without alcohol. But remember, cleansing the skin around the eye area should be done very delicately, so as not to stretch the thin skin and not injure it.

Massage the area around the eyes. To the skin around the eyes remained in the tone, you need to regularly do a special massage. Cosmetologists recommend to perform a massage procedure about 5 minutes a day. Massage improves blood circulation, smooths small wrinkles on the skin around the eyes and relieves fatigue.
Properly moisturize the skin around the eyes. Choose eye cream that does not have synthetic ingredients. Also an ideal option, how to moisturize the area around the eyes, will serve as oils: olive, coconut, almond or grape seed oil. Apply the oil, massaging a little to give the look of freshness and radiance.
Use creams with SPF-factor. In the spring-summer season, you should regularly use creams against ultraviolet rays. They work in two directions: they give additional moisture from outside and protect them.
Watch the amount of water you use. If you do not observe the correct water balance (at least 2 liters of clean water a day), it is immediately displayed on the face skin. Water will save the skin not only from premature aging, but also from swelling. After all, swelling under the eyes often appear due to the general dehydration of the body.
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