Most people experience hair loss as a normal process of hair regeneration, but if a person loses more than 100 hairs daily, he faces a serious health issue.
Add These Two Ingredients To Your Shampoo And Say Goodbye To Hair Loss Forever!
Hair loss can be caused by different factors, including weight loss, menopause, stress, pregnancy or simply genetics.
People can face hair loss as a result of a hormonal disorder. It can have a great impact on their self-esteem because hair is an important aesthetic feature. Although there are many treatments for hair growth, usually overpriced, most of them fail to achieve the needed results.
For that reason, we will reveal a natural, homemade shampoo that will help you save your hair.
First, you need a shampoo with a neutral pH or you can simply use a baby shampoo. This would be the base where you will add the other ingredients.


  • Lemon essential oil
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • 2 capsules of vitamin E
Because of its antiseptic properties, the lemon essential oil gives a refreshing and pleasant scent. The rosemary essential oil will stimulate the blood flow of the scalp and will increase hair growth. The vitamin E will make the hairs stronger and will prevent hair loss.


Put ten drops of lemon and rosemary essential oil and the vitamin E capsules. Shake well the combination.
You are supposed to use the shampoo every other day. Just apply it on the hair with gentle massages, and then wash your hair. In just a few weeks instead of the usual hair loss there would be new hair growth.
First, you will need lemon essential oil, as it has potent antiseptic properties, and provides a pleasant and refreshing scent. Then, you should also use rosemary essential oil, as it stimulates the blood flow of the scalp, and thus support hair growth and strength. Finally, you should add 2 capsules of vitamin E as this vitamin is extremely beneficial in the case of hair loss.
Combine all these ingredients, following these instructions:
Into your neutral shampoo, add 10 drops of lemon essential oil, and 10 more f rosemary essential oils. In the end, add the vitamin E capsules, and shake well.
Make sure you use this shampoo every other day. Apply it on the hair, massage for several minutes, and wash it off.
The results will be absolutely astonishing! In just a few weeks, you will notice that your hair has even started to grow again!
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