We have all had those moments when we simply cannot seem to go on. Tired after a long day at work, college or spent at home running after kids our energy just seems to evaporate at times leaving an exhausted mess behind it.
An Ancient Chinese Mind & Body Technique Which Will Change Your Life For Go!!!
What if we told you that there is a simple, completely natural technique which will help you overcome this state of complete ‘wipe out’? What if we were to tell you that following these simple exercises would rejuvenate you as a person and harmonize your energies?
Qigong (chi gong or chi kung) is a form of gentle exercise which comprises of various movements which repeated a number of times. These movements are intended to stretch the body’s muscles and lending fluidity to our limbs and muscles.
There are both external and internal movements involved in Qigong and this practice of self-healing dates as far back as 3000 years ago in the Chinese culture. Needless to say, it has passed the test of time and is a highly superior health and wellness practice. Some of the movements include:

Crane Stands On One Leg

  • This exercise stretches the ligaments and improves balance and agility.
  • It may be a little tough to get it down perfectly the first few times but practice will show improvement.
  • Repeat on each side for a minimum of 5 times.

Standing Still & Absorbing Energy

  • This is a meditative form of breathing exercise.
  • Stand with your legs stretched to the side while you inhale and exhale with your arms stretched in front of you like you are about to give someone a hug.
  • Visualize your breath like a balloon expanding when you exhale and contracting when you inhale.
  • It is important that the arms remain in the same position throughout the exercise. Hold this pose for 2-5 minutes.

Chinese Wall Squats

  • This exercise mainly focuses on the spinal and lumbar regions of the back.
  • Practitioners of qigong report that this particular pose helps to deal with nervous disorders as well as kidney issues.
  • You can repeat this pose as many times as your stamina allows but experts suggest to not go for more than 10 squats for beginners.

Picking Fruit

  • Simple and easy, lift your arms above your heads alternately and try to reach as far up as you can.
  • Imagine that you are picking fruit from a tall tree and repeat the movements 10 times minimum for each side.
  • This exercise has great benefits for kidneys, the spleen, and the pancreas.

Horse-Stance Circles

  • For this exercise, stand with your feet wide apart and parallel to each other.
  • Bend your elbows and extend your arms overhead, rotate your shoulders so that your hands face each other and your fingertips touch slightly at the top.
  • Not only does this exercise alleviate tension in the hip joint but it also improves posture.

Bending & Lifting

  • Bend your knees and your back and lower yourself but make sure your knees stay above your toes and the spine is straight.
  • Pretend to lift something and stand straighter slowly and then stretch your arms above your head as if you are lifting that weight.
  • Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat at least 5 times.

Circling Knees

  • Stand with your feet wide apart, almost at arm’s length from each other.
  • Slowly bend your knees and waist and place your hands over your knees.
  • Holding them firmly, circle them outward around your ankles in an anti-clockwise movement
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