Mosquito bites certainly can ruin somebody’s day. However, apart from being annoying and itchy, mosquitos can transmit disease like malaria, the Zika virus, and West Nile virus.
Easy Recipe for Non-Toxic DIY Bug Repellent!
Pests, like ticks, might cause Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease.
Conventional bug sprays contain dangerous ingredients such as N-diethyl-meta-toluamide, also called DEET. It has been proven that this chemical causes motor deficits and also memory and learning dysfunction if inhaled or applied directly on the skin.
Products which contain DEET should be applied only on clothing and should be kept away from and never used on children.
DIY Bug Repellent
This simple mixture has a wonderful smell and it does not stick on the skin like the conventional sprays do. Additionally, since this mixture is all-natural, it isn’t harmful for the environment.

  • Witch hazel- one bottle of 15oz.
  • Lavender essential oil- 10 drops
  • Eucalyptus essential oil- 10-12 drops
  • Lemongrass essential oil- 10-12 drops
  • Citronella essential oil- 10-12 drops
Lavender will deter houseflies, fleas, mosquitos, and ticks. Run some on the pulse points (inside the wrists and behind the ears) and it will be dissipated by the heat of your body.
Lemongrass is similar to citronella and it keeps mosquitos away. You can plant lemongrass in your garden and keep the pests away.
Probably the most popular bug repellent for mosquitos, citronella is even more powerful when combined with other essential oils.
Apart from preventing deer ticks and mosquito bites, Lemon Eucalyptus can also be used as a treatment for toenail fungus and muscle spasms.
  1. Take a couple of small bottles and separate the witch hazel between them. Make sure to leave 1/2’” at the top. It is for the best to choose bottles which have a cap on them so that you can spray the mixture in the skin.
  2. Incorporate the essential oils into each bottle, close the lids and shake the bottles well. You need to shake the bottle prior each use as well.
  3. The bottles need to be stored somewhere cool and dark.
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